the doctor and the soul

The Doctor and the Soul: Book Summary, 5 Lessons, and Review

TitleThe Doctor and the Soul: From Psychotherapy to Logotherapy
AuthorViktor Frankl
Rating★★★★★ (5 stars)
Purchase LinkBuy Here

The Doctor and the Soul is a book written by psychologist Viktor Frankl, where he teaches some of the main points of logotherapy.

Therefore, this is a book worth reading for those who wish to delve deeper into Viktor Frankl’s thinking. To read other book summaries, click here!!

Synopsis of The Doctor and the Soul

In this book, Viktor Frankl presents some essential points of his theory, logotherapy. Thus, he shows about the search that man has for some meaning that fulfills him, as well as the need to face our difficulties in order to progress.

If you want to buy this book, click here and check the prize for The Doctor and The Soul.

Who is the author of The Doctor and the Soul?

The author Doctor and the Soul is the Jewish psychiatrist Viktor Frankl, a professional famous for surviving the Nazi concentration camp and for having created logotherapy.

Read a summary of his other book “Yes to Life” by clicking here!

Summary of The Doctor and the Soul

The book is a summary of the foundations of logotherapy. Therefore, it shows some of its main concepts. Thus, he says that, unlike what other schools of psychology approach, man aims to search for meaning in his life. Therefore, having a meaning makes a person fully realize himself. In addition, he talks a little about the concepts of logotherapy, as a stimulus for the patient to face his fears and overcome them.

Still, logotherapy makes the patient see other things that are important in his life beyond his immediate needs.

Frankl also addresses the existential void that exists in today’s materialistic world, and how important concepts such as religion and moral values ​​are. Check a summary of “Psichoteraphy and Existentialism” by clicking here.

What are the main lessons of The Doctor and the Soul?

The main lessons of The Doctor and the Soul they are:

1. We need to find a meaning for life

An important lesson of the book is that man’s ultimate need is the search for meaning, and not a search for sex or status.

Thus, human beings need to seek a meaning in their existence, allowing it to be realized.

2. We are living in an era of existential emptiness

In fact: in today’s materialistic world, we have fewer and fewer references and we find ourselves more and more lost.

Therefore, more traditional concepts such as moral values ​​and religion are useful for us to be able to put down roots again.

3. Religion is important

Many people think that religion is no longer good for anything, but it gives man a meaning in his life and a reason to improve.

Thus, the religious feeling is something beneficial and makes humanity progress morally and feel accomplished. Click here to read a summary on The Everlasting Man, by Chesterton.

4. Life’s suffering is necessary

Even though suffering is unpleasant and we want to get rid of any kind of suffering, it is necessary for us to mature and progress.

That way, we shouldn’t run away from it. On the contrary: we must embrace it and seek to overcome this type of difficulty, when possible.

5. We must embrace the difficulties

Finally, we must not forget our difficulties, but seek to overcome them to become better and progress.

If you want to buy this book, click here and check the prize for The Doctor and The Soul.

What are the Negative Points of The Doctor and the Soul?

The negative points of The Doctor and the Soul are:

  • It is a slightly deeper book on logotherapy, so some people might find it a little difficult at first.

What are the Positive Points of The Doctor and the Soul?

The strengths of The Doctor and the Soul are:

  • It teaches the main points of logotherapy.
  • deepens Viktor Frankl’s important concepts.
  • Although more complex, it is a very valuable read.

Is reading The Doctor and the Soul worth it??

Yes, it is worth reading The Doctor and the Soul. The book teaches some of the pillars of Viktor Frankl’s thought and logotherapy. Although the work is not so simple to read, it deserves a careful reading so that its concepts are understood.

If you’re interested in buying The Doctor and the Soul, it’s worth checking out! If you want to buy this book, click here and check the prize for The Doctor and The Soul.


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