Cookies policy

This document has the purpose of establishing some parameters for data processing that include, without limitation, the reception, transmission, sharing, storage, access, communication, modification or transfer of information collected from our USERS, in addition to recording any and all activities carried out within the platform, in accordance with applicable law.

The USER confirms his free and express agreement with this instrument by accepting this COOKIES POLICY and the PRIVACY POLICY.


1.1 – To improve performance and your experience on our website, we use cookies, and the following definitions regarding this Policy should be considered:

COOKIES – They are text files created by the website and stored on the device that accesses the platform. (notebooks, tablets, smartphones, etc.). When the “permission” condition is enabled, the storage of cookies will take place automatically. These small data packages are intended to identify and collect USER information to improve our website services.

DICE: Set of anonymous (or anonymized data) and personal information.

ANONYMOUS DATA:Isolated information that does not allow identification of the USER. Include the collection of gender, location, age, etc.

PERSONAL DATA:Information of the natural person identified through the system. Include name, address, phone, social networks, etc.

HYPERLINKS:A clickable link that may appear on the website or be available in some content, which directs the USER to another page on the platform or external website, whether a partner or not.

NAVIGATION: The act of interacting, researching, purchasing or consuming any material or content on our platform, website or application.

USER:Website visitors who access our platform, website or application regardless of the medium. You must necessarily have the legal capacity to accept the terms and conditions of this Cookies Policy and other legal documents on the platform.

If there are doubts about any term or word used in this Cookies Policy, the VISITOR/USER may contact the platform through our communication channels.

2 – Data collection

2.1 – The collection of information and data from our USERS occurs to the extent that they provide us, through access and use on the website, clicks on hyperlinks, interaction in the applications and services of the website, their preferences and references.

2.2 – The data will be collected:

  • when the USER voluntarily enters or submits his information on our platform or accesses any service offered by the website, it may also occur through interaction and navigation with the content exposed on the website.
  • when the USER voluntarily enters or submits third party data on our website, once the authorization for the use of this data has been declared on the website.
  • when the USER action will not necessarily be used, since the system automation is responsible for the collection of data available through theCookies.
  • through partners who have been authorized by our USERS to share their data with us.

2.3 – The information collected may include, but is not limited to, the following data:

  • Name;
  • genre;
  • address (through geolocation);
  • IP address;
  • email address;
  • bank details (credit cards, for example.);
  • document numbers (CPF, Identity Card, etc.)
  • birth date;
  • Payment Information;
  • contact book;
  • biometric data;
  • links, hyperlinks and services clicked, etc.

2.4 – Other data that may be collected are also available in the Privacy Policy.

2.5 – The cookies used by our website and applications are subject to the validity of their collection:

  1. Session cookies: remains with the site until it is closed. The information collected allows the identification of problems and aims to provide better experiences to USERS.
  2. Permanent cookies: even after closing the platform, these cookies will still be stored in the memory of the internet browser of the device you are accessing. They are used each time the user visits the website to guide navigation according to personal preferences, which are collected through these cookies.

2.6 – The cookies used may be owned by the platform itself, with the platform having full control over the cookies; or owned by third parties, included in the USERS’ devices through the websites, platforms, hyperlinks, services and functions that we have a partnership with.

3 – Purpose of collecting Cookies:

3.1 – Our cookies have different functions and purposes, below we list the types that can be used on our website.

  1. essential cookies:necessary for the platform to function correctly and provide, perfectly, the services that are available to our USERS. Since, under penalty of platform malfunction, the website will not be able to efficiently provide all the tools or resources associated with it.
  2. performance cookies:responsible for collecting anonymous information about how USERS use and interact with the platform and the tools provided.
  3. functionality cookies:associated with the memory of the data provided, these cookies allow the platform to remember any choices made by the USER, directing him to the functions that he may choose. It is responsible for providing better experiences and ensuring convenience to the USER. This information may also be associated with anonymized data, which will not track the USER’s activity outside the platform space.
  4. analytical cookies:We use these cookies to monitor and analyze how our USERS use the platform’s tools and functionalities. Allowing us to check any flaws on the site and provide convenience and customization for USERS. Furthermore, based on these cookies, we can highlight the main services or articles that we think will be of most interest to our USERS.
  5. advertising cookies:similar to the previous collection, these cookies aim to target the platform’s advertising based on the choices and preferences of our USERS, checking the number of visits, number of interactions and their quality. These cookies help the platform Study All Day measure the effectiveness of your advertising.
  6. security cookies:preventing our USERS’ data from being vulnerable to malicious attacks by third parties, these cookies store information in an encrypted manner.
  7. social cookies:established by social networking and communication platforms, these cookies allow the sharing of the content accessed by the USER to our platform. The collection provided by third parties has the ability to track the activity of the USER outside their line of services, sharing their preferences with our platform.

4 – Authorization

4.1 – After the use of cookies has been authorized, the USER has the option of deactivating them as soon as he is interested, and may also choose to deactivate part or all of our cookies.

4.2 – In principle, all devices allow the user to accept, refuse, delete or manage cookies, through the functions of the respective browser program. They can generally be configured in the “options” or “preferences” menu, depending on your device.

4.3 – We remind you that the function of deactivating cookies does not allow us to offer our USERS the excellent service that we aim to provide, since parts of our platform may present instabilities and not work correctly.

5 – Legitimation of the treatment of cookies

5.1 – By consent of the interested party, the Cookies Policy will apply to devices that authorize access to the anonymized and personal data of our USERS.

6 – Data communication

6.1 – As a rule, data will not be communicated to third parties, except in the case of cookies owned by other sites, due to legal obligation, or through partner hyperlinks to our platform.

7 – USER rights

7.1 – The USER has some rights under this Cookies Policy, provided that the USER has the ability to interact with the platform system.

  1. withdrawal of consent to this Policy;
  2. access, control, rectification, limitation and opposition to the processing of your data;
  3. contest the use of your data with the platform administrators, by contacting them through the contact tab.

In view of the terms presented, the USER gives his prior consent, unless otherwise indicated, to the use and use of “cookies”, when using our website.

This Cookies Policy is valid from January 25, 2023.