everlasting man

The Everlasting Man: Complete Review and 7 Main Lessons

TitleThe Everlasting Man
AuthorGK Chesterton
PublisherRough Draft Printing
Rating★★★★★ (5 stars)
Purchase LinkBuy Here

The Everlasting Man is a book by GK Chesterton in which he speaks more profoundly about religious matters – more specifically, about Christianity.

As such, this is a book that may attract the attention of many people who are interested in Christian philosophy and its place in the world. To read more summaries of good books, click here.

Synopsis of The Everlasting Man

Before going deeper into the book, I’ll explain a little bit about what the book is about.

The Everlasting Man is a book written by GK Chesterton, British writer. The book is a history of human philosophy and culture in which Chesterton delves deeper into the nature of the human being and the role of Christianity in the development of human civilization.

In fact, it is another one of the very profound books created by this English author, such as Heretics, Orthodoxy and others.

Summary of The Everlasting Man

Despite being a very dense book, I tried to summarize a little to bring you the main ideas of the work.

Chesterton argues that man is not just a rational animal, but a creature with a soul, and that religion is an essential part of the human experience. Next, the author argues that Christianity is different from other religions because it is based on the idea of ​​a personal God who has revealed himself to man. Ultimately, he argues that Christianity has had a profound and lasting impact on the way we think and live, and that it has shaped the course of history in ways that are difficult to fully understand or appreciate. 

In the first part of the book, Chesterton traces the development of human culture and civilization from ancient times to the present, talking about the role of Christianity in the course of history.

As such, he discusses the contributions of various philosophers, theologians, and artists. He argues that Christianity provided a unique framework for understanding the world and human experience.

In the second part of the book, Chesterton turns to the question of the nature of humanity and the purpose of life.

He argues that human beings have a unique place in the natural world and that we have a natural inclination to seek meaning and purpose in life.

In addition, he also discusses the concept of the divine and the idea of ​​the soul, and argues that Christianity provides a unique understanding of these concepts.

In the third section, Chesterton discusses Christianity’s impact on the world and argues that it has had a profound and lasting impact on the way we think and live. To buy The Everlasting Man, click here!

Key lessons of The Everlasting Man

I listed some important lessons from this book, check here:

1. Christianity is very important in human civilization

The author Chesterton argues that Christian philosophy was fundamental in the development of humanity, and that without it we might not have reached the point where we are now. However, many authors do not recognize this merit of the Christian faith.

2. The human being has a unique place in the natural world

Although many say the opposite, the human being has a privileged position in existence, since he has the capacity to influence his environment in a conscious way and, therefore, to have much more control of his life. your actions.

3. People tend to seek a purpose in life

Precisely because of the human reasoning capacity, man has the possibility of seeking things beyond his subsistence and his pleasures: he seeks meaning, a reason to live that goes beyond material.

4. Christianity gives a deeper view of the human being

The Christian faith can explain several dramas that human beings go through, such as “why am I here?”, “what is my mission on this planet?” and such points. This makes Christianity very precise in its interpretation of man. To buy The Everlasting Man, click here!

5. The arts and human sciences are fundamental to civilization

Even though, nowadays, many speak only of the importance of science, the truth is that the human sciences, such as psychology, philosophy and the arts as well, have the power to elevate the cultural and moral level of society, transforming it into a better environment for humanity.

6. The Christian faith accurately describes human experience.

In addition to being accurate about man’s ultimate quest, the Christian faith manages to portray very well how the human experience works here on earth and, therefore, can help man to narrate his story.

7. Studying history is fundamental to understanding the role of Christianity in the world

In fact, when we study history, we can see several moral and cultural advances that Christianity brought to the world. Although many criticize the Christian faith, it has brought many benefits to humanity. 

Review of The Everlasting Man

I will speak, in brief lines, what I thought of the book and what points caught my attention.

The book The Everlasting Man explores in a deep but comprehensive way the role of the Christian religion in the development of human culture, and in the nature of people. It’s great material for anyone interested in the history of Christianity, moral philosophy, and the role of religion in society.

It is a book that, for those who are not interested in this subject, may not be so appealing. But for those who like these subjects, it’s excellent!

Particularly, I found Chesterton’s arguments very well tied and well constructed, but perhaps those who are not very familiar with these subjects may not enjoy reading so much. To buy The Everlasting Man, click here!

Negative Points of The Everlasting Man

Overall, I didn’t find any relevant negative points, but I listed a few things that may bother some readers.

One of the negative points of “Everlasting Man” is that it is a work of Christian apologetics. Therefore, non-Christian readers may not be interested in the topic. And since the author makes his point quite emphatically, some might not like that argument too much.

Honestly, I don’t think this gets in the way of reading, because Chesterton is a man who argues very well, in addition to writing incredibly.

Positive Points of Everlasting Man

The positives, on the other hand, are numerous. I’ll try to sum it up in a paragraph just so it doesn’t take so long.

The Everlasting Man is a very well written book that holds the reader. Chesterton is very insightful in his argumentation and writes from deep topics in a humorous and clear way. The English author manages to be quite logical and tends to convince the reader with his arguments.

I believe that, for some people, Chesterton’s words can be a little difficult, but it’s definitely worth the read! To complement this work, read a summary of Orthodoxy here.

Is The Everlasting Man worth reading?

If you’ve read everything up to here, you certainly know my opinion. But I’ll make it very clear.

The Everlasting Man is worth reading because it is a very stimulating investigation into Christian faith and philosophy and is a must for anyone interested in the subject. It’s a work that definitely deserves a chance if you like conservative authors.

Although not as famous as Orthodoxy or Father Brown’s books, this work by Chesterton is a true classic!

If you are interested in buying The Everlasting Man, it’s worth it! To buy The Everlasting Man, click here!