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About me

My name is Vítor Costa and I have a PhD in Polymer Science and Technology by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Here’s my PhD certificate of conclusion:

Translation: “Vítor Corrêa da Costa, bearer of document number xxxxxx, issued by SECC/RJ, CPF xxxxxxx, registered in the Integrated Management System Acadmica (SIGA) under number xxxxx, in the Polymer Science and Technology Post-Graduate Program, Doctoral level, in this higher education institution, defended his Thesis on 05/21/2021, with the title “Smart Core-Shell Polymeric System To Promote Self- Healing InConcrete” under the guidance of Professor Fernando Gomes de Souza Jr., and the examination board considering the student as approved and granting him/her the corresponding certification.
I was always passionate about reading and studying. As time passed by, my interests ranged between natural sciences, technology, psychology, philosophy and more!
I started my online work in 2017 when I created my Medium blog (now inactive). As time passed by, I started to post more content in my portuguese blog and now I want to spread knowledge to the whole world!
I think knowledge can change the world and that’s why I decided to create this blog. I’m here because I know how to study the right way, and I know you can do it too.
Business Info
Business Adress: Av. Dom Helder Câmara, 9098 (Block 1 Apt. 101) – Piedade, Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil. ZIP CODE: 21380-007.
Business Contact: +55 (21)98691-5970
Business E-mail: vitor.cdc94@gmail.com