yes to life

Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything: Book Summary, 5 Lessons and Review

TitleYes to Life: In Spite of Everything
AuthorViktor Frankl
PublisherBeacon Press
Rating★★★★★ (5 stars)
Purchase LinkBuy Here

Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything is a book written by Viktor Frankl, psychologist who created logotherapy, a theory that talks about the need for meaning in human life.

Therefore, Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything is a work that deserves to be read by all who are interested in learning more about Viktor Frankl and his theory. Read more book summaries clicking here!!

What is the Synopsis for Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything?

In this work, Viktor Frankl shows some of the main points of logotherapy, as well as shows cases of practical application of the theory. Among the main concepts are the need to search for meaning in people’s lives and the acceptance of suffering.

If you want to know more about the book, click here to buy Yes to Life! by Viktor Frankl.

Who is the author of Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything?

The Author of Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything is the psychiatrist Viktor Frankl, who ended up achieving fame for having survived the concentration camp during the second war and for having reported his experience.

Read a summary of Man’s Search for Meaning, by the same author, here!

What is the Summary of Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything?

The book is a compilation of the main concepts associated with logotherapy, the theory created by Viktor Frankl. Furthermore, the work shows a series of practical applications for this school of thought, so that the book goes beyond pure theory. This is a very simple book and ideal to beginners.

The author talks about how to help the patient to seek a meaning for his life, what makes him seek to become a better person and find full fulfillment.

This book addresses several important concepts for this theory, such as the need to face life’s difficulties with an open chest.

Finally, the work speaks of the lack of meaning that modern society goes through, due to its materialism. Thus, a rescue of more traditional values ​​is necessary. If you want to know more about the book, click here to buy Yes to Life! by Viktor Frankl.

What are the main lessons of Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything?

Key Lessons from Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything are:

1. Suffering is something normal

First, the book says that suffering is not necessarily something bad: it is inevitable and can be used to teach us to be better people. Read a summary of “On Theory and Therapy of Mental Disorders” here.

2. We shouldn’t run away from difficulties

Secondly, life’s difficulties are also part of our maturity, and should be faced with an open heart.

3. It is necessary to seek a meaning for life

The man you have the need to seek a meaning for your life. The absence of meaning makes the person feel unfulfilled.

4. The current world has lost its meaning

In fact: today’s materialistic world means that we have lost many of our references. The people who live in it today have no roots or meaning in life. If you want to know more about the book, click here to buy Yes to Life! by Viktor Frankl.

5. Religion and values ​​are important

Finally, an important lesson of the work is that values ​​and religion are important in man’s search for meaning.

What are the Negative Points of Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything?

The negative points of Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything are:

  • It can be too simple if you already read his other books.

What are the Positive Points of Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything?

The strengths of Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything are:

  • It teaches the principles of logotherapy.
  • It’s very friendly to beginners.
  • Deepens important themes of Viktor Frankl.
  • It is quite valuable reading for psychologists.

Read  Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything Is It Worth It?

Yes, it is worth reading Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything. The book shows important principles within logotherapy. The work helps the reader to delve into Viktor Frankl’s thinking and to have the necessary knowledge to apply it.

If you are interested in buying Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything, you should check it! If you want to know more about the book, click here to buy Yes to Life! by Viktor Frankl.