what's wrong with the world

What’s Wrong with the World: Summary, Review and 5 Key Lessons

TitleWhat’s Wrong with the World
AuthorG. K. Chesterton
Publisher‎CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Purchase LinkBuy Here

What’s Wrong With the World is a classic book about philosophy, politics and social issues written by famous English writer G. K. Chesterton. You can read more book summaries by clicking here.

Synopsis of What’s Wrong with the World

In his book, Chesterton cover manic topics regarding political issues and

What’s Wrong with the World” is a book written by G.K. Chesterton, the English writer and philosopher. It was published in 1910, and is a collection of essays in which Chesterton discusses a wide range of social and political issues, including education, democracy, feminism, and the role of the state.

It’s a book very different from other Chesterton works such as Orthodoxy or Heretics. It deals more with social topics. To buy What’s Wrong with the World, click here.

Summary of What’s Wrong with the World

The book covers many topics, but there is a main topic that he addresses throughout the whole entirety of it.

In the book, Chesterton criticizes many of the social and political trends of his time, arguing that they are misguided and harmful to society. He advocates for a return to traditional values and institutions, such as the family, the church, and private property, and argues that these are necessary for the well-being of individuals and society as a whole.

In the book, Chesterton argues that many of the social and political trends of his time are misguided and harmful to society.

He criticizes the emphasis on scientific and technological progress at the expense of traditional values and institutions, and argues that these are necessary for the well-being of individuals and society as a whole.

Chesterton advocates for a return to traditional values and institutions, such as the family, the church, and private property, and believes that these are essential for creating a healthy and thriving society.

Throughout the book, Chesterton presents a compelling argument for the importance of traditional values and institutions in society.

He offers a unique perspective on social and political issues and provides a thought-provoking critique of many of the trends and movements of his time.

“What’s Wrong with the World” remains an important and influential work in the fields of political and social thought. Read a summary of Heretics by the same author here.

Review of What’s Wrong with the World

I’ll give you my impressions about the book and why I think it’s  good:

“What’s Wrong with the World” is an insightful examination of the social and political issues of Chesterton’s time, with his characteristic – and funny – point of view. Even when dealing with hard topics, he manages to keep good humor. This book is essential for everyone who wants a conservative point of view of the current problems in the world.

The book offers a unique perspective on these issues and presents a compelling argument for the importance of traditional values and institutions in society.

It’s one of Chesterton’s many classics, and every fan of his work should check it. To buy What’s Wrong with the World, click here.

Key Lessons of What’s Wrong with the World

Here are some key points from “What’s Wrong with the World” by G.K. Chesterton:

1. Society is dealing with problems the wrong way

Many of the social and political trends of Chesterton’s time are misguided and harmful to society.

Chesterton gives a very different point of view in many points of social issues (sometimes completely contrary to the main opinion). For him, some medicines administered are worse than the disease. Click here to read a review of Orthodoxy by the same author.

2. Traditional values are necessary

Traditional values and institutions, such as the family, the church, and private property, are essential for the well-being of individuals and society as a whole.

Many modern ideologies completely reject those traditional values, but they created civilization and when we get away from them, society crumbles.

Because of this, a return to traditional values and institutions is necessary for creating a healthy and thriving society.

3. Technological progress can be harmful

The emphasis on scientific and technological progress at the expense of traditional values and institutions is detrimental to society.

We can’t move forward with technology if it’s harmful to society. One possible example is genetic manipulation outside the field of curing diseases.

It could make rich people manipulate genes and make their kids super geniuses, while regular people would be on a competitive disadvantage.

We can also argue about abortion, natality control and other stuff, but I don’t want to get very controversial here. To buy What’s Wrong with the World, click here.

Negative Points of What’s Wrong with the World

The book has some problems, and some people might like it:

The book’s conservative perspective may be seen for progressive people out of touch with modern social and political realities. Also, Chesterton’s writing style is a little harder than most other writers, which could be troublesome for some.

Its focus on traditional values and institutions may be seen as limiting for some people, as well as ignoring the importance of progress and change. Of course it’s not my case, but keep that in mind if you’re a liberal.

Also, Chesterton shows a lot of ironies, paradoxes and other very particular details when writing, and this might be difficult for people who aren’t used to his books.

Positive Points of What’s Wrong with the World

The positive points, for me, outshines every problem that the book might have:

The book offers a unique perspective on social and political issues and is written with Chesterton’s characteristic style. It’s a very interesting take on many difficult topics for our society.

Some people might think it’s difficult, but if you dedicate yourself a little, you can easily follow it and enjoy the ride. Check a review of The Everlasting Man, by the same author, here!

Is What’s Wrong with the World worth reading?

So, should you check it or not? I’ll give my verdict.

“What’s Wrong with the World” by G.K. Chesterton is a book that may be of interest to readers who are interested in social and political issues, particularly those who are interested in traditional values and institutions. It may also be of interest to Chesterton fans in general.

This is not only Chesterton’s most political and sociological book, it’s a masterpiece. Mandatory for any Chesterton reader.

If you want to read it, you should check it out! To buy What’s Wrong with the World, click here.


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