
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion: Summary, 6 Key Lessons and Review

TitleInfluence: The Psychology of Persuasion
AuthorRobert Cialdini
PublisherHarper Business
Rating★★★★★ (5 stars)
Purchase LinkBuy Here

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion is a book written by university professor Robert Cialdini that shows the power that psychological triggers have on our mind.

This book is essential to understand how not to be manipulated by advertisements and by malicious people. Check other good book summaries by clicking here.

What is the Synopsis of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion?

In the book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Robert Cialdini explains that our brain uses various tools to facilitate our decision-making, and that various advertising media use these mechanisms to manipulate us. The book shows how to avoid this. You can buy the book clicking here.

What is the Summary of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion?

First, the author shows that our brain tends to use mechanisms that shorten our decision-making process to facilitate our daily lives.

So, we receive various advertising incentives to use these mechanisms and buy something, even if we don’t want to do it completely.

In this way, the author cites six principles that make us make decisions: reciprocity, commitment and coherence, social approval, affection, authority and scarcity.

Therefore, we receive different stimuli on a daily basis that are based on these psychological triggers so that we make decisions that we don’t want to make.

Thus, we need to be aware of these mechanisms and understand how to avoid falling into these traps in our brain. Check a summary about 5 Love Lenguages clicking here.

Who is the author of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion?

The author of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion is Robert Cialdini, an American university professor with extensive experience in behavioral psychology.

In addition, this professor is the author of bestsellers such as the book cited here and others, such as Pré-suasão.

What are Robert Cialdini’s books?

Robert Cialdini’s books are:

1. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

“Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert Cialdini delves into the psychology behind why people say ‘yes’ and how to apply these principles ethically. Exploring six key principles of influence, it offers a comprehensive understanding of persuasion, making it essential for anyone seeking to navigate and understand the art of persuasion. You can buy this book here.

2. Pre-suasion

“Pre-Suasion” by Robert Cialdini explores the art of influencing decisions by setting the stage before delivering a message. It reveals how strategic preparation and framing can shape people’s receptiveness to ideas, making it a powerful tool for marketers, communicators, and negotiators. You can buy this book here.

3. Yes!: 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive

“Yes!: 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive” offers a concise guide to effective persuasion techniques backed by research. Authors Cialdini, Goldstein, and Martin provide actionable insights to influence behavior and decision-making through psychology-based strategies, making it a valuable resource for communicators and influencers. You can buy this book here.

What are Robert Cialdini’s psychological triggers?

Those are Robert Cialdini’s psychological triggers :

1. Reciprocation

Firstly, the psychological trigger of Reciprocation teaches that we feel the need to return favors when someone does something for us. Check a book summary about 12 Rules for Life clicking here.

2. Commitment and Consistency

Secondly, the psychological trigger of Commitment and Consistency tells us that we tend to change our perception of things to remain consistent with the choices we previously made.

3. Social Proof

Furthermore, the psychological trigger of Social Proof tells us that when we see someone satisfied with a product or service, we tend to believe more in their efficiency.

4. Liking

Still, the psychological trigger of Liking tells us that we tend to better accept ideas that come from people we like, respect or admire. You can buy the book clicking here.

5. Authority

In fact: the psychological trigger of Authority shows us that when an expert says something about the subject he dominates, we recognize him as the bearer of truth.

6. Scarcity

Finally, the psychological trigger of Scarcity makes us value scarce goods more because we feel like we are being part of something exclusive.

What are the Key Lessons of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion?

Influence key lessons are:

1. Our brain uses shortcuts

In fact: our brain uses a series of shortcuts – called psychological triggers here – to facilitate decision making in everyday life.

Thus, the thousands of small choices we need to make every day are facilitated and we can live a much less stressful life.

2. We feel the need to return favors

The psychological trigger of reciprocity teaches that when we receive something from someone, we want to return that favor.

Therefore, sellers love to give free samples or bonuses so that we feel indebted and want to pay something.

Therefore, when someone offers you something free, understand that it is a sales strategy and avoid this prank. Check a summary about Men’s Search for Meaning here.

3. We strive to maintain a coherent speech

In fact: when we take some action, even if it has not been imposed by ourselves, we repackage our brain to act in a manner consistent with the decision taken.

For example: if we buy an electronic device from a certain brand, we start to believe that it is better than its competitors.

Therefore, salespeople use their communication to get us to take a small action so that we subconsciously stay consistent with that act and close a big purchase later.

So recognize if you are being led down that path and cut the evil right at the beginning!

3. We want to follow the herd

Even if we think a product is worth buying, we won’t be completely satisfied until we hear of someone who has had positive results after their purchase.

Therefore, sellers and marketers from all over the world show satisfied customers with the product they sell. You can buy the book clicking here.

That is: whenever you see testimonials from satisfied customers, know that they are there to make you buy.

4. We buy from those we like

The truth is, it will be much easier to buy something from a brand or someone that we like, admire or feel some affection for.

For this reason, brands are increasingly approaching us and having a more human communication, with humor and identification.

5. We believe without authorities without questioning

The figure of authority is a way of believing in information. Therefore, many advertising campaigns use data like “experts say” or similar.

In other words: be careful when viewing these statements. Know exactly what they are claiming and how they are claiming it.

6. Scarce things attract our attention

Why is it that we want to buy things that are not very accessible to us? Things like cars, designer clothes, and trendy cell phones.

This happens because we are led to believe that what is not accessible to all is more expensive than other cheaper goods.

That is: be careful when checking whether a product is good just for the price or just because it is available on a limited basis.

What are the negative points of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion?

  • The book wastes a lot of time giving repetitive examples.

What are the strengths of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion?

  • It shows real cases to contextualize.
  • Teaches ways to not fall into psychological triggers.
  • It has an extensive bibliography.
  • It is written in an accessible way.

Is Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion worth reading?

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion is worth reading. This book is a must-have for people in advertising and sales as well as the general public.

That way, those who work in these areas can learn to sell more and make money, while the general public can learn to avoid falling into traps.

In fact: even though the book was written by an academic, reading is quite accessible for all audiences.

If you are interested in buying Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, it’s well worth it! You can buy the book clicking here.