epictetus discourses and selected writings

Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings: 11 Key Lessons

TitleDiscourses and Selected Writings
AuthorArrian of Nicomedia
PublisherPenguin Classics
Rating★★★★★ (5 stars)
Purchase LinkBuy Here

“Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings” is one of the most important texts in Stoic philosophy, offering practical advice on how to live a virtuous life in harmony with nature.

In this article, we explore the main ideas and teachings of this classic of ancient philosophy. Read other classic philosophy books by clicking here.

Synopsis of Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings

In this book, there are a series of reflections and mental exercises to help us deal with life’s adversities and develop self-discipline.

“Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings” is a practical guide to Stoic philosophy, emphasizing the importance of self-control, acceptance, and virtue. Epictetus has simple and straightforward lessons for achieving inner tranquility and dealing with life’s challenges.

 This is a very important book for philosophy in general. You can buy Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings by clicking here!

Who was Epictetus?

So see more about who Epictetus was in the brief description below.

Epictetus was a Greek philosopher who lived between 50 and 135 AD, known as one of the main representatives of Stoic philosophy. He was born a slave in Phrygia, present-day Turkey, and was later freed by his owner. Epictetus was a disciple of Musonius Rufus, another Stoic philosopher, and later founded his own school in Nicopolis, Greece.

His teachings focused on how to live a virtuous life in harmony with nature, emphasizing the importance of self-discipline, self-control, and moral discernment.

The “Discourses of Epictetus” is one of his most famous works, where he presents a series of reflections and mental exercises to help his followers deal with life’s adversities. Click here to read a summary of On the Shortness of Life.

Who was Arrian of Nicomedia?

Arrian was responsible for recording the teachings of Epictetus. So, see a little more about it below.

The Handbook of Epictetus was written by Flavius ​​Arrian, a Roman philosopher and historian born in the Greek city of Nicomedia in the 2nd century AD. Arrian was a student of Epictetus, the Stoic philosopher whose teachings are compiled in this handbook.

In addition to The Discourses k of Epictetus, Arrian also wrote several other works, including Anabasis of Alexander, a history of Alexander the Great’s campaign in Persia.

Although little is known about Arrian’s personal life, his works are considered important sources of information about ancient philosophy and history.

Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings in particular is prized for its clarity and simplicity, and is widely used as an accessible introduction to Stoic principles. Click here to read a summary of Meditations (by Marcus Aurelius).

Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings Review

The Handbook of Epictetus is a work that brings together Stoic ethical advice, compiled by Arrian, a disciple of the Greek philosopher Epictetus.

The aphorisms in the book address topics such as self-control, virtue, wisdom and freedom, and are presented in a clear and concise manner. The book is an excellent introduction for those who wish to delve deeper into Stoicism and practical philosophy in general.

Despite being derived from the Discourses of Epictetus, the book is not a summary of them, but rather an independent work with practical and straightforward advice for everyday application.

Although it is an ancient work, this work is still relevant today, as its teachings can be applied in many areas of life, from work to personal relationships.

The book is highly recommended for those seeking a more virtuous and fulfilling life. You can buy Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings by clicking here!

Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings Summary

The Handbook of Epictetus, also known as Enchiridius, is a small manual of Stoic ethical advice compiled by Arrian, who was a student of Epictetus in the early 2nd century.

The book consists of several aphorisms that the philosopher should always have at hand, to help him face the difficulties of life. The work teaches that we should not worry about what is out of our control and that we should focus on what is within our power. Another theme of the book is the importance of keeping calm and serenity in all situations, even the most difficult ones.

However, it is worth noting that, although the content is derived from the Discourses of Epictetus, it is not exactly a summary of them.

Epictetus emphasizes that it is not the things themselves that disturb us, but the way we interpret them.

In short, the Epictetus Handbook is a practical guide to life, which teaches how to live according to Stoic principles and achieve happiness, even in the midst of adversity. You can buy Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings by clicking here!

Key Lessons from Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings

Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings is a classic work that offers many valuable lessons for life. Here are some of the main lessons from the book:

1.  Focus on what you can control: Focus on controlling your own actions, thoughts and emotions rather than worrying about things that are beyond your control.

2.  Accept what is inevitable: Recognize that there are things that are beyond your control and learn to accept them. Don’t fight the inevitable, but find peace of mind in the midst of adversity.

3.  Virtue is the only true good: virtue is the key to a happy and fulfilled life. Seek to be fair, courageous, moderate and wise in everything you do.

4.  Live according to nature: nature is a source of wisdom and inspiration. Live according to nature, respecting natural laws and finding harmony with the universe.

5.  Learn from your mistakes: Mistakes are opportunities for learning and growth. Accept your failures, learn from them, and move forward with more wisdom and understanding.

6.  Be grateful for what you have: practice gratitude, recognizing and appreciating the good things that exist in your life. It will help you find joy and satisfaction even in difficult times.

7.  Be humble: don’t worry about your reputation or social status. Be humble and recognize that you are just a small part of the universe.

8.  Live in the present: the past is gone and the future is uncertain. Live in the present, enjoying every moment and doing the best you can.

9.  Cultivate Kindness: Be kind and compassionate to others, helping them whenever possible. It will bring joy and satisfaction to your own life and contribute to a better world.

These are just a few of the many valuable lessons to be found in Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings. The work is essential reading for anyone seeking wisdom and guidance for life. Check a summary on Man’s Search for Meaning here!

Negative Points of Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings

In fact, there are some negative points that should be taken into account before reading this book.

The book is quite succinct and does not offer much explanation or elaboration on the concepts presented. This may leave some readers wondering how to apply the book’s ideas to their own lives.

Finally, while many of the concepts presented are still valid, some of the ideas may seem old-fashioned or outdated to some readers.

Positive Points of Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings

The Manual of Epictetus is a work that presents several positive points.

One of the most striking is the clear and objective way in which the author approaches complex themes such as the search for happiness and personal fulfillment. The book brings teachings that can be applied in different areas of life, from personal to professional life. Another positive aspect is the stoic approach, which is presented in an accessible and practical way.

The book brings reflections on how to deal with life’s adversities and how to maintain serenity in the face of challenges.

The author also presents advice on how to deal with anger, envy and other negative feelings that can harm the quality of life.

The book is also rich in examples and stories that help illustrate the concepts presented. In addition, the bilingual edition with postcard and marker is a differential that makes reading even more pleasant and complete.

Is Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings worth reading?

The Epictetus Manual is a fundamental work for those who wish to deepen their knowledge of Stoic philosophy.

With his ethical and practical teachings, Epictetus presents a worldview that can help the reader deal with timeless issues and find inner serenity. Despite being an ancient book, written over two thousand years ago, the Handbook of Epictetus is still relevant today. It’s worth reading!

His lessons on the importance of self-control, acceptance and the pursuit of wisdom

In summary, if you are interested in philosophy, self-knowledge and the search for a fuller life, it is definitely worth reading. You can buy Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings by clicking here!

Questions about Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings

See some questions asked about the book Handbook of Epictetus.

What does Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings say?

The book “Handbook of Epictetus” is a practical guide to Stoic philosophy, which presents simple and direct lessons to achieve inner tranquility and deal with life’s challenges.

Who is the author of Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings?

Epictetus was a Greek philosopher who lived in the 1st century AD. He was one of the main representatives of Stoicism and left a significant legacy through his teachings.

Was it Epictetus who wrote Epictetus’ Discourses and Selected Writings?

It was not Epictetus who wrote the “Manual of Epictetus”, but his student Arrian. However, the contents of the book reflect Epictetus’ ideas and teachings.

What did Epicterus stand for?

Epictetus championed the idea that virtue is the only true good and that we should focus on controlling our own actions, thoughts, and emotions rather than worrying about things beyond our control.

What were Epictetus’ quotes?

Some of Epictetus’ most famous quotes include “It’s not what happens to you, it’s how you react that matters” and “Don’t wish things to happen as you want, but want things to happen as they happen, and you will have a quiet life”.

Who was Epictetus in the Bible?

Epictetus is not mentioned in the Bible.

What is Epictetus’ ethical thinking?

Epictetus’ ethical thinking is based on the idea that virtue is the only true good and that we should strive to be just, courageous, moderate and wise in everything we do.

What is happiness for Epictetus?

For Epictetus, happiness does not depend on external circumstances, but on our inner attitude. We must learn to accept things as they are and find peace of mind in the midst of adversity.

Who is the father of Stoicism?

Stoicism was founded by Zeno of Citium, in the third century BC, and is considered one of the main philosophical schools of Ancient Greece. Zeno is considered the father of Stoicism.

What is the motto of Stoicism?

The motto of Stoicism is “Live according to nature”. It means living in accordance with natural laws, finding harmony with the universe, and cultivating virtue in all that we do.

What is it to be a stoicist?

Being a Stoicist means adopting the principles of Stoicism in our daily lives, seeking to live in accordance with nature, cultivating virtue and finding inner tranquility amidst adversity.

What does Stoicism say?

Stoicism talks about the importance of virtue, self-control, acceptance and harmony with the universe. It is a practical philosophy that seeks to help people deal with life’s challenges in a calm and balanced way.

What is happiness for Stoicism?

For Stoicism, happiness is found in the pursuit of virtue and harmony with the universe. It does not depend on external circumstances, but on our inner attitude and our ability to deal with adversity.

How can we be happy according to Stoicism?

We can be happy according to Stoicism by focusing on controlling our own actions, thoughts, and emotions rather than worrying about things beyond our control. We must seek virtue in all that we do and find peace of mind in the midst of adversity.

How did the Stoics identify God?

The Stoics identified God as the logos, or the divine reason that governs the universe. They believed that this divine reason was present in all things and that we could find harmony with it by living according to nature.

What does Epicureanism stand for?

Epicureanism defends the idea that happiness is found in the pursuit of pleasure and the absence of pain. They believed that we should seek moderate pleasure and avoid excess, and that we should live according to wisdom, prudence and justice.

How to put Stoicism into practice?

To put Stoicism into practice, we must strive to be just, courageous, moderate, and wise in all that we do. We must learn to accept things as they are and find peace of mind in the midst of adversity.

How does Epicureanism conceive of a happy life?

For Epicureanism, the happy life is one that is free from pain and suffering. They believed that we should seek moderate pleasure and avoid excess, and that we should live according to wisdom, prudence and justice.

What is the main idea of ​​Stoicism?

The main idea of ​​Stoicism is that we should focus on controlling our own actions, thoughts and emotions rather than worrying about things that are beyond our control. We must seek virtue in all that we do and find harmony with the universe by living in accordance with nature.

What does Stoicism teach us?

Stoicism teaches us the importance of virtue, self-control, acceptance and harmony with the universe. It is a practical philosophy that seeks to help people deal with life’s challenges in a calm and balanced way.

What does the Bible say about Stoicism?

The Bible does not speak specifically about Stoicism, but there are many similar ideas and values ​​found in scripture, such as the importance of virtue, humility, self-control, and acceptance.

What does Epicureanism stand for?

Epicureanism defends the idea that happiness is found in the pursuit of pleasure and the absence of pain. They believed that we should seek moderate pleasure and avoid excess, and that we should live according to wisdom, prudence and justice.

What is the difference between Stoicism and Epicureanism?

The difference between Stoicism and Epicureanism lies in the way they conceive of happiness. While Stoicism seeks happiness in virtue and harmony with the universe, Epicureanism seeks happiness in the pursuit of moderate pleasure and the absence of pain.

Who is the God in Stoicism?

In Stoicism, God is identified as being the logos, or the divine reason that governs the universe. They believed that this divine reason was present in all things and that we could find harmony with it by living according to nature.

What is wrong with Stoicism?

A common error of Stoicism is the belief that we should suppress all our emotions and feelings. In fact, the Stoics advocated the importance of accepting and dealing with our emotions in a healthy and balanced way.

How did Epicureanism come about?

Epicureanism emerged in ancient Greece in the 4th century BC, founded by Epicurus of Samos. He taught that happiness is found in the pursuit of moderate pleasure and the absence of pain.

What is being happy for a stoic?

For a Stoic, being happy means finding joy and satisfaction in the pursuit of virtue and harmony with the universe. Happiness does not depend on external circumstances, but on our inner attitude and our ability to deal with adversity.